Showing posts with label Etrog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etrog. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Something to do with your etrog

Tomorrow, literally tens of thousands of etrogim will be set free from the bonds of the arba minim. What do you do with yours? Many people like to puncture them with hundreds of cloves and turn them into besomim hedgehogs for havdalah. Others have greater ambitions.

Here's a recipe for etrog liqueur, kindly provided by one of our kitchen-savvy members, Juliette Rothschild. This recipe, she tells us, was handed down to her by a late Hanassi member, Sydney Faber, whom many readers may remember. The recipe goes like this:



3 etrogim

3 Cups of good quality Vodka (divided into 2 cups and 1 cup)

1 ½ Cups of superfine or regular sugar


1. Peel etrog as thinly as possible (with a peeler)

2. Put peel into a 4-cup jar (e.g. a 32 oz Mayonnaise jar) or a litre soda bottle. Add 2 cups of Vodka.

3. Close jar and store in a cool, dark place for 2 days..

4. Remove and discard peel (strain before funneling into a bottle)

5. Pour the liquid into a glass litre bottle (e.g. a grape juice bottle). Add sugar and gently shake until sugar dissolves.

6. Add 1 cup of Vodka. Shake or stir again until all the sugar is dissolved.

7. Store for a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks (or more) in a cool, dark place.

If any Hanassi member proposes to make some estrog liqueur, can they please make it available to the Women's League so that we can sample it on a Shabbat when we have a kiddush?

Juliette adds that you can check out more etrog recipes on If you enjoy buttered toast for breakfast, here's one here for etrog marmalade to spread on it.

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