Tonight we begin to light our chanukiyot to mark the miracles of Chanukah. So this week we feature two divrei Torah from Rabbi Wein on Chanukah, as well as a devar Torah on parashat Miketz.
Chanukah commemorates miracles that happened to our ancestors in previous times but at this time of year. Miracles are ever-present in our lives and in world events. A miracle, in human terms, can be defined as an unexpected and unforeseen occurrence that benefits an individual or society at large. This definition removes miracles from the realm of superstition and occult powers, making them part of our natural everyday world. It is just simply that events occur of which we were unaware or which we never really believed would occur. This is certainly the case for the miracles of Chanukah. Even though the main miracle that we commemorate is truly a wondrous event (the fact that oil in the lamp should have sufficed only for one day but lasted for eight days), this is not the only miracle that the holiday marks. In the special prayer to commemorate the holiday, we record other wondrous events that occurred to our ancestors at this time of year: in substance, the weak overcame the strong, good triumphed over evil and the few were victorious against the many. All these things qualify as being miraculous even though they were brought about through human effort and were seemingly part of the natural course of events. This point really helps us understand the true nature of what we humans call miracles.
Our holiday prayer acknowledges the miracles that the Lord performed for us long ago in our struggles and wars against the Greeks. We understand that, in all wars, unforeseen events occur and that, both on the level of the individual soldier and of the general outcome of the war, there is adequate scope for people to feel that miracles occurred. However, on a deeper level I think that the fact that the small band of Jews who were still devoted to Jewish tradition and Torah values actually went to war for their spiritual survival is itself to be judged as being miraculous. Good people are often peace-loving, being averse to violence and certainly war. The good therefore tend to let themselves be persecuted and intimidated by evil forces rather than stand up and fight for their values and their survival. Chanukah teaches that there are times when our survival spiritually as a people – as the chosen people – depends on our willingness to fight for our cause and our future. When that happens, it is natural to feel that this is all part of the rational world which we supposedly inhabit. However, again on a deeper level I think that such a response borders on the miraculous and that the prayers of this holiday reflect this in a most positive and clear fashion.
We too live in miraculous times. There is no other way that we can characterize the events of the past century of Jewish life except by recognizing the miraculous and even supernatural guidance that has steered us through this turbulent period. We are living examples of the Talmud’s statement that one who experiences miracles does not recognize the course of events as being especially miraculous. But, based on rational expectations and patterns of history, no event that has befallen the Jewish people over the past century can be considered normal or rational. One such event is that, through the presence of the state of Israel, the Jewish people rose up to defend their faith and national destiny and, for the first time in millennia, actually took up arms to defeat enemies who sought our destruction. This is part of the story of age-old miracles that are relevant and alive in our time too. The message of this holiday is subtle and enduring. We should be cognizant of our miraculous status and be grateful to the Almighty for having allowed us to see this as we participate in our own modern ongoing miracle.
shalom and Chanukah same’ach, Rabbi Berel Wein