Showing posts with label Rockower Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockower Award. Show all posts

Sunday 9 June 2024

Pessy Krausz wins Rockower Award!

Congratulations to our much-loved and respected member Pessy Krausz, who has just received a Rockower Award.

 ברכות לחברתנו האהובה והמכובדת פסי קראוס שזכתה זה  עתה בפרס

Here are the details:

Category 16: Award for Excellence in Writing about Jewish Heritage and Jewish Peoplehood in Europe

First Place Lilith Magazine, New York, NY “The Isle of Man” by Pessy Krausz:

Pessy Krausz has spun literary gold from the dross of her stay in a British internment camp, recounting in the most magical way the day her mother told her the story of the family’s escape from the Nazis. The sweetness of the mother/child moment and the horror of the tale collide to create a breathtaking, memorable essay.

The full text of Pessy's prize-winning piece can be read here.

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