The Shul website offers a couple of features that you might not know about. One is a month-by-month calendar of all our davening times: The other is a link to davening times in Jerusalem.
Mordechai: loved by not quite all?
The hero of Purim, Mordechai, slips quietly into the end of the long baraita at Avot 6:6 that enumerates the 48 qualities that facilitate ki...

Jerusalem is not just a beautiful city; it is also an inspiration for artists the world over. Not all the art is conventional art-gallery ma...
We've just received from our member and composer Max Stern a charming YouTube clip of his reconstruction of the Water Drawing Ceremony f...
Last Wednesday, in partnership with OU Israel, we hosted our Yom Iyun in preparation for Chanuka. This event, appropriately branded 'Ge...