Thursday, 7 November 2024

From the universal to the special: Lech Lecha 5785

In this parsha the Torah’s narrative now proceeds from the general, universal story of humanity to concentrate on the specific narrative of the founding of the Jewish people. From this and next week’s parshiyot we learn of Avraham and Sarah, their difficulties and challenges, their loneliness and their spiritual quest. Their biographies show how they create the prototype for all later Jewish and familial society.

The Torah, unlike many contemporary hagiographies, avoids painting a blissful picture of righteous people who are forever blessed with serenity, immaculate character and perfect behavior. Rather, it shows us the ever-present challenges to faith in the Almighty: the difficulties of maintaining domestic harmony and of creating a positive worldview while surrounded by enemies, jealousy and an immoral public culture.

Tradition and the Mishna crown Avraham with the laurel of having withstood and overcome ten major challenges in his lifetime. Remarkably, the great Jewish commentators to the Torah differ as to which ten challenges the Mishna is referring to. Indeed, if we combine all of their opinions, there are a significantly greater number of challenges in the life of Avraham than just ten. The Torah’s portrayal of these events – the wandering and rootlessness of coming to the promised land of Israel, the disloyalty of Lot, domestic difficulties with Sarah and Hagar, the behavior of Pharaoh and his courtiers, to mention only a few – reveals a life of struggle, of pain, of striving and of hurdles still to overcome. 

In spite of all the very troubling details and incidents that the parsha records, there is a tone of optimism and fulfilled purpose that permeates the entire parsha.  Even the cursory reader senses that Avraham and Sarah are up to something great and that this is no ordinary tale of pioneering and struggle. There are Godly covenants and blessings, commitments made that surely will be met. We also learn of visions of a great and influential people, and of a holy land.

God’s relationship with humankind generally will be centered in His relationship with the family of Avraham, Sarah and their progeny. Nations and beliefs will vie for the honor of being the descendants and followers of Avraham. Millions will adopt his name and follow his monotheistic creed. He and Sarah will be some of the most influential personages in world history. They will not avoid trouble and travail in their personal and family lives; great will be their reward in spiritual and historical achievement. As such, they truly are the forerunners of the story of the Jewish people – a small and lonely people, wanderers and beset by inner disloyalty and external persecution while remaining optimistic and vastly influential in a manner that belies its physical numbers and temporal power.

So Avraham is the father of many nations and of all monotheistic believers. But he is special to us because he is the founder and father of the Jewish people whose march through human history parallels his own. The Godly covenant and blessings will assuredly be fulfilled through the accomplishments of the Jewish people, its nationhood and land.

Shabat shalom, Rabbi Berel Wein

Chasing the mechanical rabbit: Rabbi Wein

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