Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Oh, dreidl, dreidl, dreidl, I made it out of clay

Love it or loathe it, few of us will have missed The Dreidl Song.  If our children never sang it, our grandkids almost certainly did. What's more, it might even have been sung by our grandparents. Published in 1927, it was performed both in English and Yiddish: you can read all about its history here on Wikipedia.

Popularised by Chabad, parodied by South Park and promulgated by thousands of gananot from one end of this country to the other, it has drummed itself into the Chanukah-consciousness of our generation. 

Not to be outdone, our musically-minded member Max Stern has provided his own arrangement of this seasonal earworm. For 77 seconds of undiluted fun, just click here:

Giants clash -- but who is the real winner? Vayigash 5785

The opening verses of this week's Torah reading are among the most dramatic and challenging in the entire Torah. Two great, powerful per...