Friday, 10 May 2024

Eight People We Met on the Way Home

You are welcome to join us on Sunday evening, 19 May at 8:30 p.m. when Rabbi Berel Wein launches his new book, Eight People We Met on the Way Home, The Return of the Jewish Nation to the Land of Israel. The book tells a story about a people who -- under the guidance of the Heavens, after millennia of exile and travail -- decided to pick up and go home from all corners of the world.

It is a story that should be read and told by all. Rabbi Wein will speak and the books will be available for purchase at a special price.

Chasing the mechanical rabbit: Rabbi Wein

“The Impending Disaster” was the title of the eighth and final lecture in Rabbi Berel Wein’s series, “The Jewish World 1880-1914”. The disas...