Thursday, 9 May 2024

Keep it modest, keep it pure! Kedoshim 5784

How does the Torah measure holiness and sanctity, personal dignity and respect for others? The answer lies in the ability to control and channel one’s physical desires. The Torah does not support celibacy; nor does it demand any degree of self-mortification or masochism. It does however demand most certainly that we behave in a responsible and balanced manner.

In addressing the concept of sanctity, the Torah also outlines a necessary and omnipresent nuance in our lives—the link between our mental and physical behavior. The rabbis have taught us that humans willingly sin only when a manner of distorted thinking—a type of insanity, if you will—affects our minds. 

Judaism has always fought a lonely and mainly unpopular battle against sexual immorality and flagrantly wanton behavior, from the days of the Canaanites, through the Greeks and the Romans, on to the debauchery of much of the Medieval Age. Now as we witness the current unchecked and unrestrained attitudes of modern society, traditional Judaism has decried lewdness and the lust for self-gratification in sexual matters. It demands that people be kedoshim—separated from immoral behavior and forbidden liaisons. This requires self-control, the avoidance of compromising and dangerous situations and a realization that ultimate good sense should triumph over the pursuit of the fleeting pleasures of the moment. 

Judaism thus expects us to take a position that is unfashionable in the eyes of contemporary society. Yet, over the long history of human civilization, this position has proven to be the only true catalyst for a healthy, happy family life and a harmonious social compact. Many people, Jews included, mock the protective measures that Jewish tradition has developed to ensure a society that aspires to be kadosh. But we can ask: has the mingling of the sexes in synagogue worship in the non-Orthodox world brought any great degree of comfort to those people who sit together? Rather, it has led to a drastic decline in synagogue attendance and group participation. 

The concepts of modesty in dress, speech and behavior are unfortunately completely absent and alien in most of modern society. Indeed, scarcely does there pass a day when we are not made aware of the presence of sexual misconduct among those who seemingly should know better.

 Judaism preaches defensive behavior and the avoidance of situations that could lead to problems. These defensive measures are mocked and scorned by the progressives of the current world, yet we can all see the tragic personal and national consequences when such defensive measures are absent or ignored. 

Mental health experts have told me that pornography, especially on the internet, is the newest serious addiction in our schools, surpassing even drug abuse.  Protected by the noble ideal of free speech, it ravages our society and creates a dangerous generation of dysfunctional individuals. The entertainment industry in all of its facets has been polluted beyond recognition by its pandering to the basest animalistic desires of its patrons. Nevertheless, the Torah does not waver in its demand. We must be kedoshim and swim against this tide. We must persevere in our age-long quest to be a holy and dedicated people.

 Shabbat shalom, Rabbi Berel Wein

Chasing the mechanical rabbit: Rabbi Wein

“The Impending Disaster” was the title of the eighth and final lecture in Rabbi Berel Wein’s series, “The Jewish World 1880-1914”. The disas...