Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Being true to ourselves: Vezot Habrachah 5785

It is interesting that our great leader and teacher Moshe followed the lead of our father Jacob when it came to blessing the Jewish people before he left the world. The blessings that Moshe bestowed were individual and specific: each tribe was given its own blessing and its own mission. Every human being too is different, and even those amongst us who, on the surface, appear similar, are nevertheless still not identical.

One of the great tragedies in human life occurs when one person feels himself or herself to be a square peg in a round hole, ill fitted for the life one is leading and for the profession or work one is pursuing. Most of us, unfortunately, have to make some sort of peace with such a situation, and suffer the consequences throughout our productive lives. Rare are the individuals who can change course in the midstream of life, fulfill their natural abilities and pursue their true vision, despite all the obstacles that undoubtedly present themselves.

The import of the blessing of Moshe to the Jewish people is that each of the tribes, as well as the individuals who make up those tribes, should be true unto themselves. They should accept and follow their mission, both national and personal, that the Lord set out for them through their genetic traits and personal God-given talents. Conformity stifles all creativity and, without creativity, there can never be progress in human affairs, whether spiritual or physical.

Moshe loves the Jewish people. He has proven his love for them repeatedly during his 40 years as their leader and mentor. This final Torah reading is his last and perhaps most soaring expression of love for his people. A lesser person would, perhaps, feel pains of remorse and even revenge for the treatment he received during his 40-year career as the people’s leader. Indeed, Moshe would be justified in feeling unappreciated, and that he somehow never received recognition from those that he served so loyally and skillfully for so many decades.

However, that would not conform to the character trait of Moshe, who is the greatest of all human beings. It is about him that the Torah testifies to his natural human ego, i.e. that there never arose such a prophet within the Jewish people before him, nor will there ever arise another one after him. In his great vision of prophecy, Moshe identifies the talents and mission of each of the various tribes of Israel, and properly assigns to them their appropriate role in building a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. By so doing, he is fulfilling his final and perhaps greatest act of love for his people, by allowing for the diversity and creativity of human beings to function and build a greater and more holy society.

Chag same’ach, Rabbi Berel Wein 

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