Monday, 21 October 2024

Festive fun in the sun: Sukkot celebrations in Yerushalayim 5785

Our intrepid YouTuber, Hanassi member Heshy Engelsberg, took his camera round the Kotel and the Mercaz Ha’ir yesterday morning in search of seasonal festivities.  The resulting product gives a true-to-life flavour of Sukkot celebration in the city that, millennia ago, invented the Simchat Beit HaSho'evah -- and which has not forgotten how to celebrate, even in times of trouble.

You can view Heshy's recording yourself by just clicking here

Chasing the mechanical rabbit: Rabbi Wein

“The Impending Disaster” was the title of the eighth and final lecture in Rabbi Berel Wein’s series, “The Jewish World 1880-1914”. The disas...