Friday, 27 September 2024

Confusing the satan

Have you ever wondered about our shofar-blowing in the month of Elul? Why do we blow and blow, day after day--but fail to do so on the very last day before Rosh Hashanah? What does this have to with the satan? How can he be confused as to when Rosh Hashanah starts? And why can't he remember from year to year how we annually confuse him? If you find all this puzzling, we're here to enlighten you. 

Last Wednesday Rabbi Joel Kenigsberg took over the f ourth and final slot in the OU's Beit Midrash Rechavia program and gave a stunning shiur with the tantalising title "Confusing the Satan". Reviewing a wide spread of sources, he laid this topic open for all to enjoy.  This blogpost offers no plot-spoilers, so if you want to know the real story behind the satan and his confusion, just follow this YouTube link.

Chasing the mechanical rabbit: Rabbi Wein

“The Impending Disaster” was the title of the eighth and final lecture in Rabbi Berel Wein’s series, “The Jewish World 1880-1914”. The disas...