This evening, between minchah and maariv, Rabbi Kenigsberg asked a highly topical question: what berachah should one recite on seeing a hostage being released? While the words "shehechiyanu vekiyemanu vehigianu" may spring into one's mind, the range of possible available options is much greater. As Rav Rimon explains, there are really five possible options:
- Shehechianu
- HaTov vehaMetiv
- Matir Assurim
- Mechayeh haMetim
- Say no berachah at all
At first blush, Matir Assurim ("Who releases those who are bound") looks like the most promising verbal formula--but we know that this blessing, which we say every morning when we get up, is recited in an entirely different context and is therefore inappropriate. As for the other berachot, well, the best way to weigh up their strengths and weaknesses is to click onto the YouTube recording of Rabbi Kenigsberg's shiur (it's just 15 minutes long) here. By the way, there's more to come. Rabbi Kenigsberg will be continuing his discussion of this issue tomorrow. You can follow it by coming to shul between minchah and maariv or wait a little and it will be posted on the Hanassi YouTube channel too.